Friday, September 23, 2011

Baked Apple Crisp for End of Summer Bliss

This is both a "sponsored" and an "inspired" post!  Haha no, it's not what you think.  Let me explain...

I have a delightful family in my studio that has fuji apple trees, and every year at about this time, I get gifted with bags and bags and bags full of apples!  Seriously, this year I got about 20lbs of apples, and I have in turn been sharing them by the bag-fulls, and I still have tons left to enjoy for myself!  I am thrilled and touched by their generosity, and though I am never one to go out and buy apples to eat, when I am gifted organic home-grown apples, I'm delighted by the prospect of experimenting with different kinds of apple dishes!

After my egregious apple pie debacle of last fall, I was a little nervous when I once again saw the bucket of apples sitting on my counter.  Really nervous, actually.  But then I was talking to J the other day, who, with lavish words galore described to be the simplicity and amazingness of the southern favorite, apple crisp.  So I thought, okay...why not.

a big bucket-ful of beautiful, organic apples

 Sliced apples topped with sugar, flour, cinnamon, and water, waiting for the crunchy shell

The "crisp" topping

All together now, and waiting to go into the oven

I followed this recipe - down to every last dot. After the huge mess of a "pie" I made last year, I wasn't about to take any chances with this one!

The results?  Pure and wholesome apple nirvana.

It took no time to make at all, and even though I only scoop myself a tiny spoonful each time and tell myself that's all I'm allowed to have in one sitting...I always find myself going back for seconds.

All gone!

And sometimes, thirds.

Best of all, it passed the mom-test.  Yum!

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