Friday, July 22, 2011

Brothers and Sisters II

So a few days ago one of my little students comes in - little guy's 6 years old.  And when he comes in the door the first thing I see are four HUGE stitches over his right eyebrow, like Frankenstein big stitches.  And there's a huge gash underneath.

So I say, "What happened?!" And he says, "Emma (the little sister) threw an iPad at me."  His little sister is 3, and much more rowdy, rambunctious, and temperamental than he is.

I said, "iPod or iPad?!"  And the mom says, "iPad."

Apparently it was a big mess, blood gushing out of his forehead, him screaming and crying, sis screaming and crying because she thought she killed him, whole family rushes to emergency room.

So I asked, "Were you mad at her?" And he says all calmly, "yes, I was so mad.  I really wanted to kill her but my mommy wouldn't let me."

LOL.  But then I guess he felt bad for saying something so strong, so he quickly follows it up with, "But it was an accident, she wasn't trying to hit me.  She just wanted to see if i could catch it."

To which I replied, "You guys need to buy a frisbee!"

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